2022-2023 was APARRI’s first year supported by the Henry Luce Foundation. During that year, we executed many exciting projects and events that we’re excited to share with you!
Here’s a breakdown of our #APARRIYearOne Accomplishments:
Launched a new website: Through our updated site, you can learn about 20+ years of awesome APARRI history, exciting grant opportunities, and our annual conference.
Awarded $154,000 in grant funding: We awarded $154,000 in research and working group grant funding for innovative projects centering APA religions. We’re now accepting applications for Collaborative Grants, which are due January 5, 2024. You can check out past awarded grants here!
Gathered for community receptions at AAR & AAAS: During Year One, APARRI hosted gatherings for all interested in APA religions at the AAR & AAAS conferences. We had a great turnout at these receptions, with community members gathering for food, friends, and conversation. Learn about upcoming conference receptions here!
Created exciting partnerships: We partnered with organizations like the Straight White American Jesus Podcast, The Immanent Frame, and CAAM on exciting projects:
- APARRI members Jane Hong, Russell Jeung, and Scott Okamoto were featured on Straight White American Jesus episodes
- Several APARRI members wrote articles on APA religions for APARRI’s collaboration with The Immanent Frame, “Asian American religions: Everywhere, all at once“
- APARRI partnered with CAAM, who documented APARRI 2023, our first conference under the Luce grant – more to come soon!
Held our annual conference at UC Berkeley: We had a wonderful turnout at APARRI 2023, Envisioning Radical Futures in APA Religions & Communities. Stay tuned for more information about APARRI 2024, to be held at UC Berkeley from June 11-13, 2024!
Started a newsletter: We launched a monthly newsletter highlighting upcoming events, opportunities and deadlines, member updates, and more! Interested in staying in touch? You can subscribe to the newsletter here.