Transformative Hope Videos
General text about Th videos.
Funded by the Henry Luce Foundation, Transformative Hope is a video series for Asian American elders to address the surge in racism that the broader community is experiencing. Although younger Asian Americans may experience hate incidents as racial trauma, Stop AAPI Hate researchers find that elders (60+) deal with racism, hate, and violence differently. Emerging from a collaborative partnership between APARRI and the Asian American Research Initiative, this video project offers a public storytelling collection featuring Asian American knowledge-bearers and religious practitioners.
Each Transformative Hope video features a different religious and ethnic perspective. From summer 2021 to spring 2022, Russell Jeung (SFSU) and Tammy Ho (UCR) interviewed elders and religious leaders in the United States who had experienced forms of everyday racism, such as stalking, name-calling, physical assault, and temple vandalism. Each video shares how Asian American elders interpret these kinds of events, cope with pain and hurt, and use their religious resources (teachings + practices) to move forward.
Japanese American Buddhist
Rev. Noriaki Ito & Duncan Ryūken Williams
Short description of the contents of this video.
Vietnamese American Buddhist
Ven. Thích Từ-Lực
Short description of the contents of this video.
Filipino American Catholic
Noel Gella Quintana & Fr. Julian Jagudilla
Short description of the contents of this video.
Korean American Christian (Methodist)
Rev. Dr. Kah-Jin Jeffrey Kuan
Short description of the contents of this video.
Rev. Dr. Boyung Lee
Short description of the contents of this video.
Project Team
Co-Principal Investigator: Russell Jeung
Co-Principal Investigator: Tammy Ho
Director/Producer: Valerie Soe
Producer/Director: Lila Yomtoob
Project Coordinator: Sheryl Maria Fontanilla
Project Research Assistant: Queenie Mae Mendoza Serrano
Editor: Yeon Park
Assistant Editor: Diana Chen
Graphic Designer: Mika Toyoura
Transcript Editor: Aisha Tina West
Colorist: Seng Chen
Sound Mixer: Daniel Olmsted
Composer: Goh Nakamura
Editor: Yeon Park
Assistant Editor: Diana Chen
Graphic Designer: Mika Toyoura
Transcript Editor: Aisha Tina West
Colorist: Seng Chen
Sound Mixer: Daniel Olmsted
Composer: Goh Nakamura
Student Research Team
(Summer 2021)
Graduate Researchers & Team Leads: Annie Sing, Megan Dela Cruz
Student Intern-Interviewers
Amanda Young
Joan Tran
Cassie Eng
Connie Shen
Aaron Liow
Rose Lin
Weilan (Daphne) Situ
Thomas Files
Travis Moeurn
Kenneth Xu