APARRI’s 2024 Highlights

For APARRI, 2024 was a year of community-building, program development, and the fostering of exciting and innovative scholarship on Asian Pacific American religions. Here are some of our highlights!

We funded our first round of Collaborative Grants: This year, we accepted our first round of applications for Collaborative Grants which fund projects between APA religion scholars and APA faith communities that focus on APA religions. You can read about the collaborations we funded here!

We continued to fund Research and Working Group Grants: APARRI continued to provide support to independent research and working group collaborations, with our latest round of applications accepted in November. You can read about funded research grants here and working group grants here.

We hosted receptions at AAAS and AAR: APARRI hosts annual receptions at AAAS and AAR to create a space for our community to gather at these major conferences, and this year was no exception — we hosted two vibrant, well-attended receptions in Seattle and San Diego! Stay tuned for news about our next reception at AAAS 2025 in Boston!

We held our annual APARRI conference: We were thrilled to host another successful APARRI at UC Berkeley this past June. Under the theme “Religion & Solidarity in Precarious Times,” attendees participated in lively panels on APA religions and enjoyed a keynote talk delivered by Dr. Simran Jeet Singh.

The APARRI 2025 conference theme is “Past as Present: APA Religions, Renewal, and Collective Care.” You can find the call for proposals (due March 17, 2025) here!

We launched a podcast featuring APARRIstas and APA religions experts: In collaboration with Axis Mundi Media, we launched the APA Religions 101 podcast! An introduction to Asian and Pacific American religions through interviews with experts and practitioners, host Dr. Bradley Onishi speaks with APA scholars about Asian American Catholicism, Muslim theology, Asian American evangelicals, and more.

We supported APARRI regional gatherings across the United States: APARRIstas organized and hosted regional gatherings in Boston, Princeton, and Berkeley, where community members gathered over food and drink. More regional gatherings to come in 2025!

Lastly, we continued to publish a monthly newsletter highlighting upcoming events, opportunities and deadlines, member updates, and more! Interested in staying in touch? You can subscribe to the newsletter here.

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